Friday, 13 March 2009

Plantijn vs Studios92 vs nothing

school? of toch liever gaan werken? natuurlijk zouden we het liefst van al geen van beide doen... but a man has got to do what a man has got to do.

Three years ago I started my education at Plantijn Hogeschool in Antwerp. I started International Business. Now, three years later, I am in my final year and doing an internship in the United Kingdom for 4 months.

Now doesn't that all sound boring. It would be far more interesting to talk about the people from Holland again.
It seems that the Flemish jokes about dutch people being eager, do have some truth in them:

  • Gisteren was Jeroen zijn auto aan het repareren. Hij was zijn vooruit aan het wassen omdat zijn uitlaat kapot was. Jeroen, wat je zelf doet, doe je MEESTAL beter, niet altijd.

  • Younes is also from holland. He works for Studios92. He is from holland so he is also eager. For example, he has been wearing the same wig for 5 weeks now, because he is saving money to buy Jeroen a new windshield wiper in order to fix his exhaust pipe

As you can see, work here is pretty fun. PLAY HARD, WORK HARD, that's the way we roll.

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