Friday 3 April 2009

The food I DO NOT like

There are several things I like. But it is easier to explain what kind of food I DO NOT like.

I do not like cheese. Oke oke, i do like melted cheese between my hamburger or on a pizza or whatsoever. But that is where it ends. Cheese looks disgusting, only the thought of feeling the texture and chewing it in my mouth makes me feel sick. And the types of cheese that people come up with! The things they do to make it even more disgusting, COME ON! Those things smell! this Danish blue cheese for exemple. I ensure you that I can give you the same taste and smell if I do not wash my feet for 2 months.

Another sick type of cheese is Casu Marzu, better known as maggot cheese. It is to disgusting to explain so just watch this video:

Now that is BAD FOOD. I truly do not understand how you can enjoy the taste of maggots in your mouth. I'll just keep enjoying my good belgian beer, far more healthy!

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